Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
In Europe, Spain has been one of the countries most impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic. By partnering with Banco de Alimentos and Caritas, two NGOs known for their work to fight hunger in Spain, the employees from the Loeches site are giving back to those most in need.
As a result of the Coronavirus and the coinciding economic shutdown, many Spaniards are now without work or unable to operate their businesses and have not earned regular salaries for more than two months. The government’s help is unfortunately not reaching everyone in time creating a severe need for food and other supplies.
“At Siegwerk we have been fortunate enough to continue working during these difficult times, said Jeanne-Marie Gourvès, Finance Manager Siegwerk Spain. “We have made two donations for EUR 3,000 each to both Banco de Alimentos and Caritas who have outstanding reputations of providing support for many Spaniards across the country.”
Siegwerk received thank you letters of support from both organizations.
Banco de Alimentos: ”Since the start of the Covid-19 crisis, we have increased the number of charities we support to 517 and currently are providing food to nearly 190,000 people. Thank you for this generous contribution that will undoubtedly help us to support the increased demand for food due to the current crisis.”
Caritas: “The donation will be used for programs for the elderly, the homeless and the most vulnerable families which are three groups most exposed to the Covid-19 emergency. We are very grateful for the trust placed in Caritas and we look forward to count on Siegwerk.”