Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
The linear economy principle “take-make-use-dispose” is outdated. Today, we know that creating circularity is key to a sustainably shaped future. For packaging, this Circular Economy approach translates into the three levers of reduction, reuse, and recycling. Here, inks and coatings play an essential enabling role for the realization of circular packaging. Due to their technical functionalities, they concretely enable the implementation of all these three levers.
By selecting the right inks and coatings you can close technical performance gaps of certain materials, such as paper and mono-plastic, improve their properties and therefore allow their use for new applications. Inks and coatings enable for example the switch from multi-material plastic to mono-material plastic packaging while maintaining the functionality of the original packaging such as the protection of food and thereby create recyclability of packaging components.
Enhancing the performance & recyclability of packaging
We strongly believe in the benefits of a Circular Economy. That’s why we are focusing our development efforts on inks and coatings that concretely enhance the performance and recyclability of packaging and thereby enabling the design of circular packaging solutions. Today, we already have a broad track record in customer-specific ink and coating development projects for circular packaging solutions that - among others - increase recyclability, enable composting, and support packaging based on renewable materials. All our circular solutions are flexible regarding substrates, printing technologies and ink systems.
Whether you want to create recyclable mono-plastic packaging, fully bio-renewable packaging, or high-function paper packaging, our circular solutions provide you with a variety of benefits to help you achieve your individual goals.
We are constantly working on new sustainable ink technologies and functional formulations to further expand our circular solution offerings and enable new circular packaging applications. Thereby, all inks and coatings are always designed to meet your individual requirements unleashing packaging’s full potential and enabling its use in a Circular Economy.