Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
We at Siegwerk are committed to operating with integrity in compliance with applicable laws, regulations and policies and therefore expect the highest standards on ethical business conduct from all our employees in performance of their work regardless of which position one holds.
In principle, all employees are expected to
when conducting business for Siegwerk.
We have established a compliance organization and a compliance program to demonstrate the importance we place on compliance with laws, regulations, and social responsibility. The compliance program pursues to maintain compliance with laws, regulations, and policies and to promote ethical behavior consistent with the principles laid out in Siegwerk’s Code of Ethical Business Conduct.
The Code of Ethical Business Conduct applies to every employee of Siegwerk and is the guideline for lawful and ethical behavior within the company as well as to our business partners and the public.
We are committed to make proper business use of workplace information technology and help to protect systems and equipment against internal and external threats – no inappropriate use of and risk for information technology.
Siegwerk has implemented the Whistleblower System “Integrity Line”, which is intended to enable employees and third parties to submit reports to Siegwerk Compliance Organization: The Integrity Line is capable to record (anonymous) reports of misconduct in a comprehensible, secure process that ensures the best possible protection of the legitimate interests of those involved.
What should be reported?
Whistleblowing is only intended for specific categories of violations of law and other regulations. For Siegwerk these are specifically the following (not conclusive):
What should not be reported?
Whistleblowing is not intended to address other issues that do not meet the criteria above, such as (not conclusive):
How are you protected from retaliation?
Siegwerk will not tolerate any kind of retaliation against anyone who, reports a concern or participates in an investigation, even if the allegation ultimately is not substantiated. Any such retaliation is strictly prohibited at Siegwerk and would be treated as serious misconduct. Nevertheless, please consider that reporting should only happen in good faith, meaning that we do not accept knowingly submitted false reports, e. g. to deliberately harm other persons or companies.
How does the process work?
In the “Whistle Blowing User Guide” you can find more detailed information on how the whistleblowing process at Siegwerk works, including a respective Q&A section.
How to access SIEGWERK’s Whistleblower System “Integrity Line”?
You can access the Whistleblower System “Integrity Line” via the following link (external provider):
SIEGWERK employees and third parties may contact us in case of questions or for the reporting of actual or alleged compliance incidents:
General Compliance
If you want to address a report of misconduct directly to the Group Compliance Officer in Siegburg, Germany, please contact: Compliance(at)Siegwerk.com
If you are a Siegwerk employee: Besides using Integrity Line or e-mail, you also have the option to discuss any misconduct personally with your direct supervisor, your (local/regional) Human Resources contacts or with your (local/regional) Compliance Representatives. More information can be found on the company’s intranet compliance webpage.
Supply Chain related Compliance
If you want to report a supply chain related misconduct directly to the Human Rights Officer in Siegburg, Germany, please contact: Humanrights(at)Siegwerk.com