Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
Between April 19 and May 15, 2022 SOS Children's Villages Spain (Aldeas Infantiles) launched its third edition of its inter-company Solidarity Race to raise funds for the local charity. As part of the company’s global alliance with SOS, Siegwerk Spain took part again in this year’s event.
Money collected during the fundraiser will go to support children and young adults and their families who are in difficult economic and social situations, especially in these challenging financial times.
This year, Siegwerk Spain participated in a very active way, with 25 Siegwerkers working together as a team throughout the month. The colleagues took part in various activities such as walking, running, rowing, swimming, yoga, cycling and even gardening. The goal was to cover the maximum possible number of kilometers. Each person has been able to choose when to participate, since there was no fixed timing and it was not necessary to do it all at once. Participants only had to sync apps on their phones, and thanks to a mobile app, companies were able to track their overall and individual progress.
If in the first year Siegwerk won the prize for the company with the highest percentage of employees taking part. This year we received a very special award, and we were recognized as the company with the highest achievement per registered employee.
In the general classification, out of the more than 500 participants, both first and second place awards went to two of our Siegwerkers - Daniel Gonzalez, Warehouse Operator who was the winner , and Noelia Jurado, Quality Control employee, in second place..
SOS Villages - Aldeas Infantiles team - invited Siegwerk to one of their day care centers to give out the special awards, drawn by children, and a special trophy for participation.
“We were delighted to receive the awards, on behalf of the whole company and to be able to visit this center and see first-hand the great job Aldeas Infantiles is doing with children and young adults in terms of socialization skills, schooling , and preventing conflicts and empowering families to improve their lives,” said Jeanne-Marie Gourvès, Finance Manager, Siegwerk Spain.