Siegwerk Singapore promotes sustainability to youths from local community


Siegwerk Singapore, performed its annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program in collaboration with the local Community Center’s (Jurong Green) youth enrichment committee “JCYEL” (Jurong Central Youth Enriching Life). The main beneficiaries, 50 young adults between the ages of 13 to 18, came from under-privileged families and are under the support of the national social service program. This mentoring program named “GAIA”, is aimed at educating the you people on reducing our impact to the environment, focusing on waste reduction, energy conservation and recycling used materials into purposeful items.

The youngsters created a play area maze using recycled materials such as  carton boxes and bottles. All participants had to complete the maze and visit the educational booths in order to complete their task.

Siegwerk participated in the event and hosted an educational booth, showcasing the impact of plastic waste. Siegwerk demonstrated its Circular Economy (CE) approach with examples of de-inking and its UniNature series to highlight the company’s initiatives in the consumer supply chain in packaging materials reduction and increasing packaging recyclability. Those who came to the booth participated in an online quiz (created on MS forms) related to CE concepts and the impact of plastic waste.

Siegwerk also presented each youngster with a food warmer set, to encourage them to bring their own food containers when buying take-away to avoid generating food packaging waste.

The Siegwerk colleagues in attendance also had a fun-filled day learning from other participants on how they can do more to save the earth, including solar power driven air-conditioners, and how to turn food waste into fertilizers in an urban environment. Entity Manager Singapore, Rajiv Singh said, “apart from the youths, even the parents showed keen interest in getting their children to become more aware of the positive impact of the CE approach on the planet.”

Further projects: Singapore

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