Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
Siegwerk’s ninth annual Lighthouse Project with SOS Children’s Village will take place in Bogotá, Colombia, a South American country with a significant population living in poverty. In Colombia, the youth unemployment rate is 16 percent with young women and mothers having the hardest time finding a job.
Nelson Figueroa, Commercial Director Siegwerk Colombia said, “We are excited to be part of the latest SOS YouthCan! Initiative and know that through support like this Siegwerk and our employees can make a big impact on the communities we serve.” The Bogotá-based employees will be nearby the Children’s Village and will have the chance to meet and work with the children directly.
YouthCan! Has a primary focus of preparing young adults to enter the workplace and to give them the tools needed to build their self-esteem, job skills and knowledge, especially related to the digital work environment. Siegwerk allows young people to gain practical experience in a real working environment. Committed local Siegwerk employees help to develop the professional qualifications of the area youth – working as role models, trainers and mentors.
This is the second consecutive year in which Siegwerk has participated in the SOS YouthCan! initiative. Last year, the company sponsored the Children’s Village in Jakarta and built a new digital infrastructure and will continue the sponsorship for YouthCan! in 2019, as well.
A portion of Siegwerk’s donation with be earmarked for the establishment of a Virtual Training Center to allow the nearly 100 adolescents and young mothers access to digital tools and software to enhance their educational abilities.
The Children’s Village in Bogotá follows a model different from other locations. Here children are cared for in smaller groups resembling stand-alone families. Each family has an SOS parent for between four to ten children living in one house. Several different houses are spread across one area of the city. In addition to building job-related skills, SOS aims to strengthen families with a loving environment and the opportunity for young single mothers to leave their children in a day-care center while they work.