Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
2017 was a record year for Siegwerk volunteers who packaged 116,464 meals (539 boxes) for the Des Moines, Iowa-based charity Meals from the Heartland (MFTH). The effort exceeded the company goal, which was set at packaging 100,000 meals in 2017. Siegwerk achieved this by averaging 13 volunteers each month and logging 292 total hours with the non-profit. In addition to our Siegwerkers’ time, for every meal that was packaged, Siegwerk also donated 20 cents per meal. In total, Siegwerk donated $23,283 (19.470 €), covering the costs of the meals packaged and broadening the company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) impact.
Siegwerk strengthened its partnership with MFTH by donating the inks for the packaging and also providing various transportation services with company shuttles, when needed.
On the third Friday of each month, a group of volunteers led by coordinator Dan Jones, Senior Technical Account Project Leader, Flexibles CUSA, spends two hours at MFTH packing meals. MFTH is a non-profit organization composed of volunteers who package over 18 million meals each year for delivery to feed people around the world, as well as in Central Iowa and elsewhere in the United States. Since MFTH began in 2008, they have packaged and distributed more than 83 million meals. The partnership with Siegwerk supports the organization’s overall mission to help others in need.