Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
Siegwerk Morganton recently hosted its annual charity golf tournament for its employees, partners, customers and families at Marion Lake Club. This is Morganton’s eighth year hosting the golf tournament sponsored by customers and partners. The charity event was hosted by Siegwerk’s Buyer Coordinator, Jonathan Bradshaw and Technical Development Project Leader, Kirk Franklin. Six families and four supplier vendors participated in this year’s tournament, while a total of 23 partners and sponsors.
This year, $8,000 (EUR 7,285) was raised and donated to the local charities of Burke County. The charities which Siegwerk contributed to were Habitat for Humanity of Burke County, The Outreach Center, Meeting Place Mission, and the Burke County Literacy Council. Each charity received $2,000 (EUR 1,820).
Out of eight great years, this year proved to be greater as the company surpassed all past years’ donation amounts. This was made possible thanks to Siegwerk’s supplier representatives who participated and also provided numerous prizes and awards for the tournament.