Siegwerk Mexico supports needy with donation of office furniture


Following the remodeling of the offices to build opens spaces at the Toluca site, Siegwerk Mexico took the opportunity to donate furniture to local charities. The used furniture, which was in excellent condition, went to three organizations that support the well-being of families, and especially children in vulnerable situations and with disabilities.  A selection process was conducted for the accredited associations to receive the donation of the furniture most appropriate to each.

The associations chosen were the following:

  • Tlaloc Foundation: A foundation that helps low-income people in cooperation with other foundations, from different perspectives such as: economic, psychological, or material things.
  • “Huellas Continuas”: An association established in 2010 aimed at children and young people with disabilities in marginalized areas of the State of Mexico. Their work helps needy individuals  to receive medical care, rehabilitation, food, education, clothing and to improve their general wellbeing.
  • Salvation Army: A non-profit association affiliated with the UN present in more than one hundred and thirty countries. In Mexico it has a wide range of programs ranging from children's homes, child development centers, daycare centers and shelters for children on the move. It also offers shelter and crucial assistance to migrants and women in situations of vulnerability and violence.

Thanks to the donation of the furniture, these associations will have the necessary furniture and/or resources for optimal work within their facilities helping them to achieve their objectives.

Tlaloc Foundation, in conjunction with the CASIE Educational Center, supports nearly thirty young people with disabilities, interested in continuing their high school education. Siegwerk’s donation will help to guarantee their entry into a high school improving their opportunities for educational and workplace advancement.

For the Salvation Army, around forty children who attend the facilities daily will be able to have better spaces where they can eat, do homework, and participate in art, music, and craft workshops.

In addition, the Francisco M. De Olaguibel school requested furniture for this school is in a marginalized area near the location of the Toluca site.

Finally, for “Huellas Continuas,” the furniture will be used to improve the facilities in the therapy house. Some furniture will be given to the children's relatives to be used at home and the rest will be put up for sale in the charity bazaar to raise funds for physical therapy, psychological and language support for thirty-five children

We are excited that this furniture can continue to be useful in the hands of those who generate a positive impact and in various ways contribute to building a better present and future.

Siegwerkers Yadira Terán, Facility Manager and Héctor Martínez, Product Safety and Regulatory Manager LATAM are owed a big thanks for their work coordinating the donation!

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