Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
In recent years, particularly in Brazil’s southern and southeastern regions , Brazilians have suffered from harsh winters compared to Brazilian standards. In 2021, some regions, for example Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, were caught by surprise by negative temperatures, frost and even snow. Even in São Paulo, some early mornings brought negative thermal sensation, which is very rare.
Every year, many Brazilian institutions and communities carry out campaigns to collect clothes and blankets for homeless people. Today these actions are even more necessary, since even in autumn of this year, some areas within the ABC (region around the Siegwerk Brazil factory) only reached temperatures around 8° Celsius.
In 2022, Siegwerk Brazil joined the initiative by supporting the warm clothing campaign of the city of Diadema, which is called “Heat Diadema”. Employees from all over the site collected clothes, blankets, caps, gloves and scarves for donation. The campaign within Siegwerk Brazil took place between May 23 and June 21 – the beginning of winter in Brazil. The warm clothes were collected on site for the social fund of Diadema.
“Even though it is mostly a simple action for those who donate, it is very valuable for those people living outside in the cold. It warms not only the body, but also the heart and soul”, said Christian Almeida, Cluster Head Brazil.