Siegwerk Brazil holds “Together we know more” Lecture Circuit as part of YouthCan! program


Siegwerk Brazil held its 4th Lecture Circuit with young people from YouthCan! - SOS Children's Villages Brazil employability program.

The objective of the lectures was to introduce young people to different areas of activity and professions that they can consider when deciding which type of work to pursue.

This year nine lectures were presented and with 13 volunteers dedicated to the presentations:

1. SGI – Integrated management system (presented by Andresa Luiz, SGI Analyst and Igor Freitas, HSE Technician)

2. How the Purchasing department works (presented by Ana Claudia, Purchasing Coordinator and Jorge Felix, Purchasing Analyst)

3. Financial education (presented by Marcelina Adriano, Controller)

4. The life of ink (presented by William Brito, Development Chemist)

5. What is color (presented by Edinilson Alonso, Laboratory Analyst)

6. Quality control laboratory (presented by Sérgio Silva, Technology Coordinator)

7. Logistics (presented by Marcia Silva, Logistics Coordinator, Samuel Costa, Logistics Leader and Sérgio Filho, Logistics Analyst)

8. Careers (presented by Rodrigo Silva, Technology Director) and

9. My first job (presented by Letícia Freitas, HR Coordinator).

The difference in 2023 was that the lectures took place in person, at the SOS Children's Villages Rio Bonito unit, in São Paulo. Therefore, considering travel and presentation time, each volunteer dedicated an entire afternoon to the program (approximately 4 hours). This was in addition to the time needed to prepare their presentations. The lectures started on August 24, with the last lecture taking place on November 16.

This year, 21 young people participated in the developed program, which, in addition to the lectures, also included a visit by young people to the Siegwerk Brazil factory and a visit to SENAI Theobaldo de Nigris (SENAI is one of the five largest professional education complexes in the world and the largest in Latin America and the Theobaldo de Nigris unit, with which Siegwerk Brazil has a partnership, specializes in areas focused on graphic arts). The objective of the visit to SENAI was to present the institution and all the courses it offers, in the hope of awakening young people's interest in the courses, which are highly valued in the job market.

On November 17, to close the program with a “golden key,” a graduation ceremony was organized for the young people, who received a certificate of completion of the Siegwerk Brazil Lecture Circuit.

At the graduation, in addition to Cibele Smosinski, Executive Secretary at Siegwerk Brazil, who coordinates the program at Siegwerk, and three of the volunteers who presented lectures to the young people, Christian de Almeida, General Director of Siegwerk Brazil, was also present to honor the young people and pay tribute to their dedication.

This year, the young people also presented gifts to the volunteers. The young people were offered a drawing competition, and asked to make the drawing represent the experience they had with the lectures. The winning design, chosen by the program coordinators, was printed on a t-shirt that was given to the young people after graduation and also sent to the Siegwerk volunteers, who were very happy to receive the gift.

After four years of partnership with SOS Children's Villages Brazil, Siegwerk Brazil realizes how much the project has contributed and will continue to be planned and carried out annually. “It's much more than the Lecture Circuit -it's the visits, the personal relationship between volunteers, program coordinators, young people and all employees of the company and organization who at some point contribute to the program being delivered successfully. This exchange that takes place between everyone involved gave rise to the name of the program, which was also printed on the t-shirt, and will be strengthened from 2024 onwards, added Smosinski. With this program it can be said: Together we know more!

Further projects: Brazil

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