Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
Dancing, singing and candy. The outside area of the children's hospital was suddenly a hive of activity on "Weiberfastnacht" (German Womens Carnival Day). The reason: the local carnival trio did not miss the opportunity to visit the young patients during the carnival season. Watching from their balconies, the children were spellbound by the appearance of the prince, the peasant and the maiden, together with their entourage. In addition to musical and dance performances, the most important thing was of course not to be missed: "Kamelle" (Candy).
Usually, the carnival rulers would have distributed their sweets personally at the stations. However, this time the employees of the patient kindergarten "Regenbogenland" took over the task. For years, Siegwerk has supported and promoted the childcare services attached to the clinic through the associated sponsoring association. This care complements medical care with games, fun, distraction and relaxation and is highly appreciated by patients as well as their parents.
It is a matter of the heart to bring the carnival to the little patients of the children's hospital. In the clinic, in Regenbogenland and at the Förderverein, such activities are very welcome: The cheerful visit provided a great deal of diversity and joy for the sick children.