Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
During the month of August, Siegwerk Brazil was involved in a very special project together with the SOS Children’s Village Brazil’s YouthCan! initiative. Through building on the expertise of partners YouthCan! provides individualized, holistic support to help prepare young people for the job market.
Siegwerk Brazil's volunteer employees helped area young adults with a series of lectures focused on the employability program of YouthCan! The lectures presented different careers, work routines and showed how each profession has its importance for society. The goal of these lectures was to open up the range of professional possibilities that the local youths can consider for their future and to present professions that many of them have never heard of before.
The lectures were held remotely, via Microsoft Teams, which allowed Siegwerk to present to young adults across Brazil. The lectures were watched by young people in 11 different states.
Altogether there were seven afternoons Siegwerk volunteers spent with young people - on some afternoons there were two lectures complementing each other. In the first days the students were more shy, we believe that because of this new technology that they did not know (Teams), but during the project, with each lecture, they interacted more with the volunteers. This was a thermometer to measure how much they were enjoying and the more questions they asked, the more sure we learned about how to involve them.
In addition to the lectures, Siegwerk Brazil also donated some computers that will be used in SOS homes. This should help the students immensely, especially now that classes are suspended due to the pandemic and all the work that SOS Children’s Village does with young people has to be remotely.