Reducing hunger with a lid at Siegwerk Brazil


Combining Circular Economy initiatives and Social Responsibility, the CE Task Force at Siegwerk Brazil has implemented an important initiative called “reducing the hunger with a lid".

For this project all sorts of plastic caps that are used at home are collected by Siegwerkers instead of being thrown away as garbage or disposed to landfills. The dedicated employees then bring the caps to work and the CE task force donates them to an organization that grinds  and sells them to plastic manufacturers, where they can be made into new plastic caps (cradle-to-cradle). Part of the revenue generated by the sale is invested in “food boxes” that are then donated to families in need in São Paulo.

This important initiative brings several advantages to the community, such as:

  1. Promoting circularity in our company (cradle-to-cradle) and reducing the amount of garbage in the environment.
  2. Taking social responsibility by helping families that are going through difficult times during this pandemic.

 “Small actions make a big difference, and all of us at Siegwerk are doing our part”, says Wladimir Fraga, Director of Operations SCM and CE-CAT member.  “It really seems like a very simple action, but when we think about that we are generating circularity - which is one of our global goals - and we helping to feed people at the same time, we realize how big a gesture this is.”

Further projects: Brazil

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