Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
“Aridas” supports quality and sustainability
“We are proud that a leading media publisher like DuMont Schauberg has chosen us as the ink supplier for its new printing machines,” says Michael Müller-Samson, head of Siegwerk’s business unit Web Offset. “Waterless web offset inks have become an important focal point of our product portfolio. That’s why we recently increased our production capacity in this segment significantly.”
M.DuMont Schauberg publishes well-known German newspapers like the “Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger“, “Kölnische Rundschau“, “Express“, “Mitteldeutsche Zeitung“. Recently, it included the nationwide “Frankfurter Rundschau“ in that portfolio. Two production units were installed in its Cologne printing center, one of which is exclusively run with Siegwerk inks.
In all, MDS has invested 28 million Euros in “Cortina” technology – “an investment in the future of newspapers,” as publisher Alfred Neven DuMont termed the effort at the opening ceremony.
13 “Cortina” facilities with a total of 46 eight-high towers are already running in Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Belgium. Further machines are to be installed shortly – in France and Dubai, for instance. The new machine can print 80,000 four-color newspapers per hour. At the same time, paper usage is reduced since fewer copies need to be discarded due to quality issues.