Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
In the packaging market there is a steady increase in regulatory efforts worldwide. Product safety is the most important and challenging aspect in packaging. Consumers expect safe food packaging which does under no circumstances contaminate the packed food or impair their health.
Henkel, the leading solution provider for adhesives, seals and functional coatings, joined forces with Siegwerk, one of the leading providers of printing inks for packaging applications, and hosted an expert symposium to concretely draw attention to this matter. Experts, industry representatives and employees of both companies have attended the event about food safety in packaging that was held on October 20th at the Sheraton Ataköy Hotel in Istanbul.
Adhesive and ink applications used in the food industry appear in nearly all products from breakfast foods to frozen food packages, to yoghurt, cheese, dried nuts, biscuits, potato chips packages and others. Siegwerk and Henkel work hard to make their products compliant to food safety and conduct activities to raise awareness in the industry.
Henkel Adhesive Technologies offers its global customers high performance adhesive solutions for food packaging applications that enhance food safety and quality. Furthermore, the company offers 360° expertise from analytic tests to technical services and toxicology evaluations in terms of product development.
As a global leader in providing food safe ink solutions, Siegwerk has a team exclusively dedicated to safety in regards to both regulatory compliance and brand owner requirements to ensure that its products are safe for the end-use applications. The company’s packaging inks and varnishes are formulated and manufactured in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice, taking into consideration many individual and varying parameters relating to substrate, application and end use.
All raw materials and final products at Henkel and Siegwerk are produced and released after being subject to advanced tests and measurements in all stages of production and product development. Tests and measurements conducted by independent institutions based on well-known scientific methods prove that Henkel and Siegwerk products are highly reliable during production, implementation and destruction. In addition, safety evaluations are performed for each new product and technology. These evaluations play a big role in measuring required precautions that are updated each time a new scientific data is discovered.
Learn more about Siegwerk’s product responsibility here.
More details about Henkel Adhesive Technologies can be found here.