Colors are passion, emotions and personality. At Siegwerk, inks and coatings are our specialty and we use color to bring the packaging and products of our customers to life.
MyInkroom helps inkroom staff make data-driven decisions to optimize their production processes. This in turn helps to increase sustainability with reduced waste and more eco-conscious practices for ink management.
The digital tool offers:
“MyInkroom takes the guesstimates out of ink stock management for SIegwerk customers. Real-time ink consumption and stock visibility empower the digital order-to-delivery process, ensuring customers have the right ink in the right quantities at the right time.” said Ashish Yadav, Product Owner MyInkroom.
MyInkroom contributes to sustainability in several ways, both environmentally and economically. Through the elimination of excess inventory, using smart algorithms, optimal stock levels are easier to maintain. Reducing the number of deliveries translates to less transportation, and advanced return ink utilization ensures the reuse of standing inventory. Efficiency is further enhanced through streamlined printing processes and accurate forecasts. By optimizing ink usage and reducing waste, MyInkroom helps customers achieve their sustainability goals.
More information is available here.